The Perfect One Pager: A Crash Course in Brevity

by | Sep 21, 2023

In the digital age, the attention span of readers has shrunk rapidly. With countless distractions at their fingertips, they no longer have the patience to sift through extensive content. That’s where the one pager comes in, a concise document designed to deliver information quickly and efficiently. In this article, we dive deep into what makes a perfect one pager, offering insights to creating content that is to-the-point, engaging, and easily consumable.

What Is a One Pager?

A one pager, as the name suggests, is a single-page document. It typically is a blend of visuals and text, designed to convey a message or a summary. Perfect for pitches, summaries, and highlights, the one pager exists to grab attention and drive home the point.

The one pager is an evolving tool that bridges the gap between extensive documentation and the need for quick, digestible information. Its charm lies in the ability to distill complex concepts into easily consumable bites. 

But where did the one pager get its start?

The Start of Something…Small

Although many speculate, the origins of the one-pager are a bit nebulous. Some trace its roots back to executive summaries in business proposals, while others link it to product spec sheets or even condensed research summaries. You might say it’s a combination of several age-old practices aimed at concise communication.

While ‘one-pager’ is the term du jour, it’s also known by various names based on the application: ‘sell sheet’, ‘fact sheet’, ‘info sheet’, ‘project sheet’, and sometimes simply ‘overview’. While the names might differ, the essence remains: brief, focused, and to-the-point.

The evolution of the digital age, especially social media, has conditioned us to have shorter and shorter attention spans. Information is consumed on-the-go, often via mobile devices, making brevity a necessary standard for communication. The one pager fits this new consumption model, offering just the right amount of information without overwhelming the consumer. 

Nevertheless, one of the reasons one pagers have become so popular is their adaptability. Whether it’s a startup pitching to investors, a non-profit sharing an impact report, or a teacher providing study guides, the format remains both efficient and effective.

We’re bombarded with information every day – emails, reports, articles, white papers – the list is endless. Among all of this noise, the one pager emerges, respecting the reader’s time and offering them what they need to know…and nothing more.

Ready to Dazzle in a Page?

Our one-pager template is your secret weapon to communicate effectively in today’s busy world. Download now and dazzle your audience with clarity and precision!

15 Use Cases for a One-Pager

In business, one-pagers serve as powerful tools, streamlining communication and making sure vital information stands out. Some of the the ways businesses one pagers are:

  1. Company Overviews
    For potential investors or new clients, offer a snapshot of your company’s mission, vision, achievements, and unique selling points. It’s like a business card, but with a lot more punch.



  2. Product Launches
    Introducing a new product? A one-pager can spotlight its features, benefits, and unique selling points. This makes it easier for stakeholders to grasp the essence without delving deep into extensive documents.



  3. Executive Summaries
    If you’ve got a detailed report or proposal, an executive one-pager can present the crux of the matter. Perfect for busy stakeholders who need the gist in a jiffy.



  4. Event Summaries
    After hosting a seminar, workshop, or conference, use a one-pager to highlight the event’s key moments, achievements, and future implications. It’s a succinct way to keep everyone in the loop!


  5. Case Studies
    Showcase the success stories of how your product or service solved a client’s problem. Highlight the challenge, solution, and results in a concise manner.



  6. Sales Sheets
    Equip your sales team with one-pagers detailing product specifications, pricing tiers, and benefits. It acts as a quick reference during pitches or trade shows.



  7. Sales Pitches
    When trying to woo a potential client or investor, time is of the essence. A one-pager can succinctly outline your proposal, showcasing why they should opt for your services or products.



  8. Employee Onboarding
    Welcoming new members to your team? Offer them a one-pager about company culture, values, and what they can expect in the first week. It’s a friendly gesture that makes onboarding smoother.



  9. Monthly Reports
    Instead of lengthy documents, condense your monthly achievements, challenges, and forecasts into a one-pager. It ensures that top-level executives can quickly glean the necessary information and make informed decisions.



  10. Marketing Campaign Overviews
    Launching a new marketing initiative? A one-pager can outline the campaign’s goals, strategies, target audience, and expected outcomes. It’s an efficient way to ensure everyone’s on the same page.



  11. Training Guides
    When introducing new tools, a one-pager can act as a handy guide. It can have quick steps, dos and don’ts, and FAQs.



  12. Testimonials & Reviews
    Compile stellar reviews and client testimonials on a one-pager to build credibility. Potential clients can gauge the quality of your offerings at a glance.



  13. Press Releases
    Got big news? Condense it into a one-pager, ensuring journalists and bloggers get all the essential details without sifting through pages.



  14. Roadmaps & Milestones
    Showcase your company’s journey or future plans on a timeline. Highlight significant achievements, upcoming events, or product releases.



  15. Research Insights
    After conducting market research or surveys, use one-pagers to highlight the most pivotal insights. It ensures that the crucial data stands out and drives action.

Utilizing one pagers in your business communication can make a significant difference. It respects the reader’s time while ensuring they grasp the crux of the message.

4 Examples of a One-Pager

Following you’ll find 4 sample one-pagers – two company overviews, a case study and a partnership proposal. 

The first one pager is for a consulting firm in the medical device/life sciences industry. The headline addresses the problem that so many start-ups have – getting products to market quickly. It describes the value proposition, history, features/benefits, services and contact information.

The second is a hypothetical software company. It includes its story, contact information, target market, and services. For visual interest it also includes graphical representation of milestones achieved. 

The third is a case study for a heavy equipment manufacturer. This company needed to innovate to stay at the forefront of the industry. Its one pager describes the company and the challenges it faced. It also included solutions, findings and outcomes that resulted…all in an attractive, succinct package.

Finally, the fourth is a proposal one pager. It includes information on the company and industry, its value proposition and an invitation to consider working together.

6 Steps in Creating the Perfect One Pager


  1. Identify Your Objective
    Clearly define the purpose of your one pager. Is it to introduce a product, showcase achievements, or present a summary? Knowing this will guide the structure and content of your document.


  2. Prioritize Your Content:
    Not all content is created equal. Pinpoint the most crucial details that align with your objective and emphasize them.


  3. Trim, Trim, Trim
    In a one pager, every word counts. Use concise language, eliminate fluff, and ensure each sentence adds value.


  4. Incorporate Engaging Visuals
    We all know a picture speaks a thousand words. Use high-quality graphics, charts, or infographics to break text monotony and clarify complex topics.


  5. Ensure Logical Flow
    Your content should follow a logical sequence, guiding the reader seamlessly from one point to the next. Use clear subheadings and bullet points to structure your message.


  6. Use an Online Tool
    Don’t start this process from scratch. There are many tools online to help you including many free options such as Visme, Canva or Piktochart. The examples below were all created with
    Visme. To get started, you just need to create your free account, type “one pager”, “one page templates” or “one pager templates” in the search field and pick the template you’d like to get working on. Easy peasy!

Unlock the Power of One!

A single page, a myriad of opportunities. Download our one-pager template and open doors to clear, compelling, and concise communication.

Optimize Your One Page Layout 

Designing the perfect one pager is as much about the content as it is about its presentation. A great layout can significantly elevate the impact of your message. Let’s dive deeper into making your one pager visually stunning, while keeping the essence intact:

  • Whitespace: Space isn’t just emptiness; it’s an essential design element. Ample spacing between your elements doesn’t only enhance readability, but it also gives a refined, organized look to your document.
  • Font Selection: The typeface you choose speaks volumes. A clean, easy-to-read font ensures clarity, while a stylized font might add a touch of brand personality. Just remember to maintain consistency in font sizes across headings and body content.
  • Color Coordination: Colors can evoke feelings and memories. Select a color palette that compliments your brand and resonates with your message. Using brand colors reinforces brand identity and ensures cohesion across all marketing materials.
  • Branding Considerations: Your one pager should be an extension of your brand.
    • Logo Placement: Your logo should find a spot on your one pager. Typically, the top corners or the center of the header are good choices.
    • Brand Voice: The language, tone, and style should be consistent with other brand communications. If your brand voice is casual and friendly, keep it consistent across the one pager.
    • Imagery: Use images that align with your brand’s aesthetic. Whether it’s custom illustrations or professional photos, they should resonate with your brand’s identity.
  • Front and Back Design: While the term “one pager” suggests a single side, there’s nothing stopping you from using the back. This can be especially handy if you have a bit more information than what fits neatly on one side. If you do utilize the back, ensure there’s a logical flow from front to back. For instance, the front can introduce the topic, while the back dives deeper or provides additional resources.
  • Incorporate Interactive Elements: Consider adding QR codes or short URLs linking to supplementary online resources. This gives readers a chance to dig deeper without cluttering your one pager.
  • Ensure Logical Flow: Information should be presented in a sequence that’s easy for the reader to follow. Use clear subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists to guide the reader through sections. Directional cues like arrows or lines can also guide the eye.
  • High-Quality Printing: If you’re distributing physical copies, invest in high-quality printing. Glossy finishes or textured paper can elevate the tactile experience of your one pager, making it more impactful.

The layout of your one pager is a delicate balance between design and function. Remember, a well-optimized layout not only grabs attention but ensures your core message shines through.

The One Page Template 

The following one pager infographic includes 11 common elements found in most one pagers. This is meant to inspire your own creativity to create the perfect one pager for your own specific needs. You can include some or all of these elements as well as come up with some of your own.

A Page to Persuade!

Your message deserves to be heard, seen, and acted upon. Download our one-pager template and create a single-page masterpiece that persuades and impresses.